musings on worship and christian living

Thought of the Day: Story
August 16, 2009, 5:00 am
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Always be willing to share the story of your life and the work God has done in it.  Never store it away because you deem it “unworthy” or “uninteresting”.  Simple or grand, every story has the power to change a life.  It would be a tragedy if a life was not changed because we failed to speak.

(p.s. Sorry I missed yesterdays thought.)

Thought of the Day: Weight of Leadership
August 14, 2009, 5:00 am
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As a Christian leader you hold the eternity of those you lead in your hands.  Take seriously that responsibility and live your life accordingly.

Thought of the Day: Worship
August 13, 2009, 5:00 am
Filed under: Worship

The default setting for all of humanity is to worship.  So the question should never be, “are you a worshiper?”, but rather, “what do you choose to worship?”.

Thought of the Day: Delayed Dreams
August 12, 2009, 5:00 am
Filed under: Life

There are times when working towards your dreams becomes overwhelmingly difficult. Usually when your watching others live them.  The trick is spinning that frustration in to motivation.  I’m still working on that myself.

Thought of the Day: Tithe
August 11, 2009, 9:21 am
Filed under: Life

“If American Christians just tithed they would have another $143 billion available to empower the poor and spread the gospel.  Studies by the United Nations suggest that just an additional $70-$80 billion a year would be enough to provide access to essential services like basic health care and education fora ll the poor of the earth.  If they do no more than tithe, American Christians would have the private dollars to foot this entire bill and still have $60-$70 billion more to do evangelism around the world.

As evangelicals we claim to embrace the Bible as our final authority. One of the most common themes in the Scriptures is that God and his faithful people have a special concern for the poor. Why this blatant contradictions between belief and practice?”

-Ronald J. Sider “The Scandal of the Evangelical Conscience”

Thought of the Day: Kindness
August 10, 2009, 5:00 am
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Never underestimate the life altering power of simple kindness.  God hasn’t.  Romans 2:4

Thought of the Day: Affirmation
August 9, 2009, 5:00 am
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All of us are born with an deep seeded need for approval from others in our quest for significance.  Put your own quest for acceptance on hold and spend today striving to affirm all those whose lives you touch.

Thought of the Day: Action
August 8, 2009, 5:00 am
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It is much easier to speak than to do.  Be a doer. (James 1:22)

Thought of the Day: Poetry Take 2
August 7, 2009, 5:00 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

This one actually turned into a song I think, so they poetic balance may be a little off.  I was spurred on by a very gifted song writer this week to be more creative in my lyrics.  While I absolutely agree that we as writers should always be seeking out fresh perspective, I have wondered if sometimes if we try to hard to be creative if we will end up missing the power of simple truths communicated through simple words.

This is my poetic and creative attempt to say,
“maybe sometimes simple is good.”

Words are shattered on the ground
Weak from over use, profound
No longer meaningful it seems
They now betray Your Majesty
And I ponder with what verb I should describe

The One who blew across the desert
Until life began to softly harmonize
Sounds of the Word over an ocean
On a planet as in spun in endless sky

I wonder with revision
If  I could paint a clearer image of the light
If restructured verbal interludes
Will suddenly enlist you in the fight
And I ponder with what words I should describe
I can’t find new words which will describe

Perfection trading glory’s throne
For the anguish of all those who call His name
Hands that formed the world anew
Now reaching out to welcome once lost children home

So the question still remains
Is there a combination made
Of words that orchestrate the reverence that’s desired
Or are words simply inadequate
To adequately stimulate your heart

Though I tried I couldn’t recreate
A better way to say that “God Creates” and “Jesus Saves”
Maybe simple is the answer
And the song we sing each day should be the same

“Jesus loves me, this I know
For the Bible tells me so”

Thought of the Day: Sacrifice
August 6, 2009, 11:45 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

You ever wonder why God said to use dead animals for sacrifice?  Because unlike a living sacrifice, when the heat turns up they don’t try to crawl off the altar.  – Jess Hutchison