musings on worship and christian living

What’s your excuse?
June 5, 2008, 12:47 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

I saw this on ESPN and I thought everyone else needed to see it. This is a real cool video about an amazing boy. His name is Adam Bender and he is an 8 year old baseball player. What makes him extraordinary is that he only has 1 leg. He lost his leg to cancer at 1 year of age. This kid has since played soccer, baseball and football, even catching a touchdown pass at wide receiver! Here’s the video.

It is so common for us as humans to always throw excuses out for why we can’t do something or to hid our weakness altogether and pretend to be perfect. Especially in America, we’ve fallen in to this rut where everything is someone else’s fault and no one will take ownership. In the church we fail to be open about our weakness, proudly showing our whitewashed walls while our foundations crumble. This is really nothing we should be surprised about as we can look back at early Biblical history and see the same pattern emerging. The amazing and mighty Moses was the king of excuses and whined about everything and David hid his faults pretending God couldn’t see.

The question isn’t does this effect us today, but rather what will we do with it? Do you let the hardships of life stop you or strengthen you? Are they your battle cry or your excuse? Do you hide your weaknesses or stand up despite them?

You may be surprised what option is desired in the Christian life. We have this idea emblazoned in our heads about what it means to be a mighty man (or woman) in Christ, what it takes to be a world changer. Strong, flawless, titans of the faith. The reality? 1 Corinthians 1:27 tells us the people that will shape the world. “But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong.” 2 Corinthians 12:10 continues the thread, “That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.”

What I find to be true more and more is that “weakness” is often the greatest tool of change when placed in the hands of God. When the supernatural intercedes on behalf of our natural weakness that’s when world change happens. Weakness is a theme everyone can connect with. Weakness is the tie the binds humanity together, as it is common to all of us.

When I watched that little boy hopping down the base line I was forced to look at how I view weakness, to see if I hide it or allow it to be used for something greater. I encourage us all to quit hiding our weakness and making excuses, to quit pretending we’ve achieved the “perfect” Christian existence, and to become real about who we are and allow God to use our weakness to change the world.

If you want to read a story about Adam you can find it here.

3 Comments so far
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Thanks for the reminder, Nathan. ;o)

Comment by colette

Very true, when we dwell on our opportunitys instead of our road blocks we are amazed at what we can accomplished.

Comment by Sue

This should be our prayer every single day: “Lord help me to not make excuses and blame today.” Thanks as always for the truthful reminder.

Comment by Shan

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